As an online divorce site, we see a number of issues arise that can lead to the split-up of a marriage, and one of the most common stems from the old adage that when you marry someone, you’re marrying their family. This is a true statement no matter what your initial love for one another […]
One of the toughest things to do when you say or hear those words, “I want a divorce,” is fess up to your own worst qualities. It can be difficult staring at your failings face-to-face and thinking, “That’s why the marriage failed.” Well, first, some good news: your worst qualities may not be the sole […]
Kim Kardashian once got a divorce after 72 days of marriage. Unfortunately, her story is not uncommon. Too often, people willy nilly enter into marriage, and they’re not prepared to do the work or to react to unexpected issues that may arise after they say, “I do.” AskReddit recently covered this topic in a rather […]
In most every divorce, there is a first date to come within a year of the papers being finalized. It can be quite awkward stepping out into a world you thought you’d never see again, and it can be even worse when the dates turn out like the ones in these stories from reddit. Here […]
There’s an old Paula Abdul song called “Opposites Attract,” which preaches the message that differences are actually a good thing for a relationship. But alas, a new study and past research reveal this couldn’t be further from the truth, at least where core values are concerned. Karl Pillemer, author of the book 30 Lessons for […]
The wintertime may bring with it Christmas and New Year’s and pleasant snowfalls, but in most parts of the country, it also brings bitter cold, gray skies, and shorter days — all ingredients that can lead one to feel “blah” or depressed, especially when coping with a divorce. The key to avoiding this negative mental […]
Gray divorce is a phenomenon that has picked up steam in the last several years as Baby Boomers are living longer than previous generations and not going gently into the good night, so to speak. Experts believe that the divorce rate for this group has skyrocketed because of the good health and their desire to […]
As an online divorce site, we take a great deal of interest in relationship issues related to divorce one of which is infidelity. Some people think once a cheater always a cheater, but others aren’t so sure. Here are some examples from reddit of actual couples who managed to weather the storm. 1. “My fiance […]
Do enough searches online and you can find a virtual goldmine of information to enrich your relationship. Recently on reddit, we stumbled upon an absolute treasure trove of helpful questions that everyone should talk about and answer before deciding to get married. In all, there were 83 questions, but we won’t go into each and […]
Recently, AARP dating expert Ken Solin dropped by Huffington Post to discuss the differences between men and women when it comes to online dating after the age of 50. As the news site notes, more and more single people are using the Internet to create a love connection later in life, “but there’s a clear […]