Divorce can be difficult to deal with, and social media can make it even harder because of all the opportunities that it gives you to say something you might soon regret. We’ve brushed over some of the biggest divorce-related things that frequently turn up on Facebook and compiled a short list of what you should […]
Married people should have no secrets. Have you heard someone say that? It could be debated till blue in the face, but the fact is, many marriages do have secrets and they’re not always bad. Here are some examples from reddit. For more check this thread. 1. “That he hated the cologne I have been […]
The Oscar divorce curse has popped up into trending news headlines in the aftermath of Hollywood’s biggest night, and while I’m not one to believe in curses, it certainly is interesting. According to a new study, males who win Oscars are three times more likely to get a divorce within their first year of marriage. […]
As an online divorce review site, we know there are no certainties for keeping a relationship or marriage from breaking up. But over time, you do start to realize certain risk factors. Brad Wilcox of the University of Virginia, in his 2012 report, “The State of Our Unions: The President’s Marriage Agenda,” cites a number […]
Healing from a divorce is quite tricky because of the nature of healing itself. Think about a cut. At first, it bleeds and bothers you somewhat intensely. Then, it starts to scab over, indicating the process of healing has begun. Next, you pick off the scab and it bleeds some more. This process might be […]
Serious relationships can be scary if you’re coming from a divorce. For that matter, they can be scary if you’ve never been married! Think about it. You’re deciding to let someone else into your world. To be vulnerable for them. Sacrifice a large degree of your privacy. And perhaps even say to them “I want […]
Breaking an engagement can be a tough decision because you’ve told everyone you’re going to do this, and now you’ve got to tell them it isn’t going to happen. No judgment on this end. Better to catch the problems early than to wait until you’re married with kids. But there is one tricky part of […]
Co-parenting can be difficult, especially when Mom and Dad no longer see eye-to-eye and have very different parenting styles. This became immediately apparent to our online divorce review site when we came upon this thread from reddit. In it, commenters share things they’ve kept from the other co-parent in their family dynamic. Here were some […]
Alimony can seem unfair to the person paying it, and while it’s true that ex-wives often end up on the receiving end, the ruling can go either way. Recently a disgruntled reddit user asked how the sexes could be equal if men had to keep paying their wives alimony. This opened up some lively and […]
A lot can be told about a relationship from the quality of gifts that the two parties get for one another on birthdays and Christmases. It’s not an issue of materialism but how well the parties know one another. How much they’re paying attention, in other words. A recent post on reddit posed the question: […]