First Anniversary After Divorce: What You’re Likely To Feel

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140465604_8da01d5d4e_oMany of you come to our online divorce review site seeking the quickest and most painless methods of surviving your divorce, but there’s a lot more to survival than simply getting through the process. The scars of a failed relationship can continue to bother you long after the divorce is final, and nowhere does this manifest itself more than in the first anniversary that you experience after your marriage is over.

Just when you’re trying to forget the challenges and difficulties, that “celebration day” will come around to remind you of what you’ve lost. Just what types of feelings can you expect when this occurs?

1. A Sense Of Loss.

It’s not uncommon to feel like you’ve lost something when that first anniversary rolls around. After all, on this same day in the past, you had promised to stay by your spouse’s side “till death do us part.” Being separated for the first time, you’ll feel a sense of longing, not necessarily for your spouse but certainly for the life that might have been had things not gone south.

2. A Sense Of Anger.

There is a tendency to feel anger for a failed marriage. After all, there are many people around you in seemingly happy relationships. Here, you had a run at it, and it didn’t work out. It’s important not to lose hope. Doing so can make it difficult to ever connect with anyone else. Instead take comfort in the third thing that you will inevitably feel on that one-year post-divorce anniversary.

3. A Sense Of Hope.

Even though the marriage is over and the relationship didn’t work out, you’ll have time to reflect about what went wrong and about what you want your future to be. Now that you’re no longer stuck in a bad relationship, you get to call the shots as to what your future will hold. Who do you want to be? If you’re ready for the answers to that question, then you’ll feel a sense of hope as you begin a new chapter. And here’s the best part: the further you get away from the relationship’s end, the easier it will be.

If you’re not there yet, and you’re just trying to find the best solution to your situation, make sure you check out our online divorce reviews. Good luck!

[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]
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