The wintertime may bring with it Christmas and New Year’s and pleasant snowfalls, but in most parts of the country, it also brings bitter cold, gray skies, and shorter days — all ingredients that can lead one to feel “blah” or depressed, especially when coping with a divorce. The key to avoiding this negative mental state is to connect mind and body and put the following techniques to work for you.
1. Take advantage of the warm days.
Not every day will be gloomy and gray and too-cold-to-think. When those days come, make a point of getting outside for a brisk walk or run. Take your children to get ice cream or drop by a coffee shop and tip back a latte. Do whatever you can to take advantage of the weather and enjoy the time you’re given.
2. Find exercises that you can actually do.
Part of what makes people wash out so quickly when it comes to exercise routines — especially as they get older — is they attempt to push themselves beyond their limits too quickly, and then when they fail, they get frustrated and give up. While you should be striving to kick it up a notch, timing is important. Don’t set forth unrealistic goals for your body and mind. Instead try to make improvements incrementally.
3. Cook a full meal at home.
If the weather is too biting cold and you’re tired (and too broke) from eating out, then set forth some time to buy ingredients and make a meal at home. Go one step further, and have a date with yourself, choosing a movie or TV show that you want to see or love, and binge-watch that bad boy as you devour your home-cooked meal. The dinner-and-movie idea together are much better than simply buying junky fast food and crashing in front of the TV. This way your mind and body are engaged in what you’re doing, and you ultimately get more out of it.
4. Take on a fun mental project.
Always wanted to write a book or learn the guitar? You’ll have more indoor time during the winter, so use that time wisely and choose an activity that is mentally fulfilling. Then, fill the downtimes outside of work and/or dating and/or parenting to do something that enriches you.
What are some specific activities that you have utilized to beat the 1-2 punch of winter and divorce? Share in our comments section.
[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]