Divorce can be difficult to deal with, and social media can make it even harder because of all the opportunities that it gives you to say something you might soon regret. We’ve brushed over some of the biggest divorce-related things that frequently turn up on Facebook and compiled a short list of what you should avoid on any social media channel. Here goes.
1. Inside baseball.
By “inside baseball,” we mean the nuts and bolts of the divorce process. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your experiences with close and trusted friends, but let’s face it: few of us have 923 close and personal friends. Most of the people on Facebook don’t want to hear about it, and little is accomplished by filling them in, except to attract the more negative types who just want to nose in on your business, hijack your feed with their experiences, and perhaps coax a little negativity out of you.
2. Fights with your ex (or soon-t0-be ex).
Yes, they may drive you insane, and yes, you may want to explode on them and let the world know about it. But sharing fights with your ex is one of the biggest social media no-nos out there. It is way too easy for things like that to be used against you in a divorce or child custody hearing. A far better idea would be to write out your thoughts on a sheet of paper and then burn it after you’re finished, or share your experiences and gripes with a trusted friend over the phone.
3. For people dating men/women going through a divorce: pictures of your SO’s children.
If your significant other is having issues with the other parent and/or if the divorce isn’t final, you should seriously reconsider posting those pictures of you with their kid. While you may not be breaking any laws, it can certainly create additional drama between the child’s parents, and that can spill over on them whether anyone wants it to or not. If you have to question whether the other parent would approve of a photo being on your feed, then err on the side of caution and for the sake of the child, don’t do it.
4. TMI.
While this is an admittedly broad category, it’s important to mention it nonetheless. TMI (or too much information) can be anything from constantly posting about your divorce and nothing else to tearing your ex’s new boyfriend/girlfriend up on Facebook. You don’t want to be one of those people who constantly revels in the negatives of your life either. If it’s that bad, then consider seeking the help of a professional instead of broadcasting it to the world. Also, don’t try to make posts with the intention of it getting back to your ex so maybe-just-maybe it will get under their skin.
What other aspects of divorce should be left off social media? Share in our comments section below.