5 Intimate Activities To Reconnect Your Marriage

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8974858193_1c61372440_zMarriages can fail for a lot of reasons. Over time, it is difficult to keep the passion alive, especially as you add children, get more focused on work, and slowly lose sight of one another. But there are some things that you can do to reconnect as a couple. We’ve pointed to five in the following post for this online divorce blog. See if you can come up with more.

1. A Walk Alone

When your marriage has hit a rut, you’d be surprised at how well a good walk can open the channels of communication. Try doing this with your spouse. Drive out to a park or other secluded area and make up your mind to walk a certain distance or a certain time period. Make sure that you keep the same pace and you’re not doing it for the physical exercise. Reach over and hold hands, then let the words flow.

2. A Date Night

Children put an unbelievable burden on two working parents, especially when their little immune systems are developing or they become teenagers. You’re trying to make good decisions for yourself and protect your child from making bad ones! You need time away from the little ones where you can see each other as individuals again instead of simple caregivers. Pick a favorite hangout, go to a trampoline park or ice skating. There are many things you can do as a couple that might reignite that spark.

3. A Diary

Have a floating diary that you never mention to one another. Use it to write letters to one another describing what you appreciate about them. Leave it in random places for them to find when they’re least expecting it.

4. Read Together

Reading is often an individual activity, but it doesn’t have to be. Pick a book that you both want to read and go through it page by page, taking turns with the reading. You might even screencast it to your television if you’ve got the appropriate media player and a Kindle app. That way the whole family can do something edifying together. That won’t be lost on your relationship.

5. More Bedroom Time

Sex in a marriage can become very utilitarian as you both struggle to find time. You don’t want it to feel like a chore, so make sure that you schedule some time where you can be together where you can really focus on the bedroom. And this doesn’t have to be completely about sex. A lot of good communication can happen between couples, who go to bed at the same time every night.

What things do you think help couples not lose sight of one another? Add yours to the list in the comments section.

[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]
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