5 Reasons Not To Remarry After Divorce

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8711969175_5573d92a0d_zAs an online divorce review site, we know that a lot of people aren’t thinking about remarriage when they come to us, but it doesn’t take long for those thoughts to creep back in once the papers are finalized. While we’re not opposed to remarriage under the right circumstances, we would suggest you NOT get married if any of the following factors are present.

1. You’re not ready to move past your divorce.

There are numerous issues that can stay with you long after the divorce is final — one of the biggest being trust. It can be extremely difficult to trust in people and trust in relationships once you’ve had a taste of failure. Until you can conquer this, you should steer clear of long-term relationships.

2. The new person is too much like the old person. 

There’s a reason that marriage ended in divorce. If your new guy or girl has the same qualities as the old one, you’re more likely to end up with the same outcome.

3. You risk all of your post-divorce accomplishments on a new relationship. 

You may not believe it when you’re going through the divorce stages, but in the months and years following your breakup, you will make many improvements — appearance, career, lifestyle choices. The comforts of marriage tend to make us recede back into our lackadaisical ways. If you like the path you’re on, then don’t get remarried unless you have a good reason.

4. Your kids may not be ready.

Adult and young adult children of divorce have to deal with your relationship choices. But you really should give special consideration to how your younger children are dealing with the idea of you moving on. They shouldn’t call the shots over you, but they deserve more respect than you being remarried a year after your divorce is final.

5. You’re lonely. 

If you’re lonesome, be alone. There is a difference between the two, and the sooner you discover it, the happier you will be. Being lonely is one of the worst reasons to get remarried because it manifests in you being too desperate to think clearly.

If you’re ready to push through with a divorce, make sure you check out our online divorce reviews of the best services on the web today.

[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]
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