One-Third Of Child Support Is Unpaid In Colorado: Indicative Of The U.S.?

Home / Family Issues / One-Third Of Child Support Is Unpaid In Colorado: Indicative Of The U.S.?

5412597007_e060569a01_zAs an online divorce site, we see many cases come across where children are present and child support becomes a necessity. However, in Colorado, more than one-third of child support payments go unpaid each year, and it’s indicative of a larger problem throughout the U.S.

The Coloradoan explains, noting that the arrears consists of 32,000 so-called “deadbeat” parents not supporting 39,000 children.

“If these parents paid their full monthly child support obligation, it would result in an increase of approximately $10 million per month (to Colorado children),” said Larry Desbien, acting director of the state’s Division of Child Support Services, in comments to the news site.

However, there are a number of reasons that could be making child support impossible, at least for the time being. Some of those reasons include the following:

  • Unemployment
  • Homelessness
  • Jail time

“Meanwhile, the families most in need of child support are the least likely to get it and public assistance becomes their only lifeline,” notes site contributor Julia C. Martinez.

As for the broader problem throughout the U.S., the site reports that $116 billion worth of child support went uncollected in 2013, and that Colorado itself is on track for $1.17 billion worth of “arrears.”

If you’re a parent affected by this deficiency, here are some things you should do.

1. Speak with an attorney about your options and to see if perhaps a garnishment can be placed on wages so that you get something.

2. Don’t let shame stop you from public assistance if you’re eligible. Kids are expensive, and more and more, it takes two incomes (at least) to raise them. You can’t help it if one party isn’t living up to their end of the bargain.

3. See where you can trim your budget. This may mean getting down to the bare necessities, buying all generic food labels for a time, and delaying some purchases, but if the lack of payment is temporary, it can get you through the lean times.

4. Don’t give up. A child is the responsibility of two, so both should contribute to his or her upbringing. You may be tired of fighting this fight, but it’ll always be one worth fighting if that’s what it takes.

Best of luck!

[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]
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