Paying for divorce can be difficult if you have a particularly contentious situation that you are trying to escape. Many times — as in 80 percent of the time — it’s only one spouse who actually wants the divorce, so getting one turns into an uphill battle.
Still, as an online divorce review site, we’ve seen couples resolve their issues, get their divorce, and not break the bank doing it. How did they pull it off? They followed these paths.
One: They handled the divorce themselves.
Read through some of our online divorce reviews pertaining to DIY sites, and you’ll see that there is a large selection of varying degrees of quality. The best simplify the process in a way that no attorney ever could. If you and your spouse are able to set aside enough of your differences to work together, then you could have the paperwork finished in 45 minutes and filed the same day for a fraction of the cost. After that, you’re a set of filing fees away from being out of the marriage. This method requires you to swallow your pride and commit to moving forward.
Two: They learned how to compromise.
Sometimes conflicts arise that are not easily handled. When this happens, you may want to check out the attorneys in your area to fight for your best interests. Attorneys can be expensive, but only if you and your spouse are committed to an all-out war. If you learn how to compromise and let go of some things in order to get others, then you should be able to work through the divorce while keeping legal fees low.
Three: They cut out frivolous expenses.
Behaving yourself financially is essential if you want to divorce without any messiness. Whichever path you end up choosing make sure that you are exercising responsible financial behaviors. No amount of revenge spending is worth the extended legal fees that will come your way should you choose to lean on your spouse. By keeping spending habits calm and down-to-earth, you’ll be able to get your divorce done cheaply.