Married couples on the verge of filing for divorce often do not take the time to work out their divorce game plans. That’s usually why the process can feel so tense and chaotic. Since divorce is often fueled by raw emotion and opposing desires — one wants to be out while the other usually doesn’t — it’s hard to find a place for good judgment and common sense. Nevertheless, couples need to be thinking a lot more about what comes next. Here are some things you should be doing as you near your divorce.
Prioritizing conflicts
If you’re filing for an online divorce on your own, then you and your spouse are more likely to compromise and get along throughout the process. Regardless you need to be thinking about the battles that are worth fighting and the ones that aren’t. Every divorce has compromise whether the parties want it or not. It’s best not to go in to the divorce with the mindset that you’re going to get everything you ask for. That just a line in the sand that you’re begging for your ex and their attorney to step across. Determine what you must have out of the divorce, what you would like to have but are willing to give up, and the things that don’t matter.
Developing a tax plan
It’s never too early to think about taxes. Of course, these will be largely influenced by who the custodial parent turns out to be, who pays child support/alimony, and what additional expenses/assets/debts will change the outlook. Start keeping records of everything. Hide nothing. And try to find a tax accountant who has experience in this sort of thing.
Keeping emotions in check
Again, when emotions play a role in the situation as they so often do with divorce, it’s easy to give up on a lot of things or to fight needlessly over something that doesn’t matter. You have to protect your interests, and the only way to do that is to make divorce less of an emotional process and more of a business negotiation. Easier said than done, yes, but it will protect you long after the forms are final.
If you’re ready for that divorce but aren’t sure whether to go DIY or with an attorney, read our online divorce reviews for more details.
[Image via Flickr Creative Commons]